Annual Practicum Panels
AOJP hosts annual Internship, Externship, and Postdoctoral Fellowship Panels for students and current interns. AOJP also hosts several panels and events to help undergraduate students learn more about the field of psychology and how to apply for doctoral programs. Featured panelists include current and past interns, externs, or postdocs, practicum supervisors, and practicum directors. These panels provide critical information regarding the application and interviewing processes, with a special focus on issues relevant to Orthodox Jewish students. The panels also include comprehensive discussions and questions/answer sessions to help minimize the stress and anxiety involved, and to guide applicants towards maximum effectiveness and success throughout the application process.
The Internship Panel takes place at the beginning of Fall semester
The Externship Panel takes place during Winter break
The Postdoctoral Fellowship Panel takes place during Fall semester
The Applying for Doctoral Programs Panel takes place during Fall and Spring semesters